Unit 2: Scratch Programming |
Click on the link to download scratch: http://scratch.mit.edu/scratch_1.4/
1.1 Shapes (Objectives PDF)
Video Tutorials:Task 1 - 1.1 Triangle, 1.2 Square, 1.3 Pentagon, 1.4 HexagonTask 2 - RepeatTask 3 - VariablesTask 4 - Shape Program
1.2 Simple Games Part 1 (Objectives PDF)
Video Tutorials:Task 1 - Repeat CommandTask 2 - Variables and Forever IFTask 3 - Keyboard ControlsTask 4 - Maze Part 1Task 5 - Maze Part 2Task 6 - Maze Part 3
1.2 Simple Games Part 2 (PDF)Task 1: Glide Scratch File
1.3 IF and Nested Statements (PDF)
1.4 Variables (PDF)
1.5 Broadcast (PDF)